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Keeping up with the latest fashion trends can be daunting, time consuming and expensive.  "Fashion In Five", gives you a unique insight to current trends in fashion and accessories as well as great tips on putting that perfect outfit together helping you look and dress your best. 

The old adage of beauty is painful should finally be put to rest.  A great pair of shoes does not have to translate to great foot pain.  This week's Fashion In Five provides a few helpful hints in selecting your footwear and what to look out for.  You can look like a million bucks and also feel that way. 



This weeks "Fashion In Five" podcast explores the major do's and must not's for the season.  It's not what you wear but how your wear it, a fashion faux pas that could land you with the "Don't" sign over you. 


Tremendously helpful hints on what is appropriate accessory wise as well as what you don't want to do with those bracelets, earrings and necklaces.  From top to bottom Tracey will cover the most important do's and don'ts for the season.


In this "Blue Dangles Fashion In Five" episode you get an insight into Spring 2010's color palette.  Tracey provides great tips on mixing your colors to ensure that your look is knockout gorgeous.  Helpful hints on accessories and a few hidden gems to tie your new look together highlight this new spring podcast.

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